John Killion starts his new life in Port Macquarie
In our last post, we left John Killion in 1834 when he was assigned to John Dillon of Sydney after his arrival. From the attached newspaper article, it seems that between 1834 and 1837, John Dillion relocated from Sydney to Port Macquarie. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. (1837, November 9). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842) , p. 2. Retrieved August 2, 2017, from As there's no record of John Killion's reassignment, we're assuming that he moved with John Dillon to Port Macquarie between 1834 and 1837. The area was expanding during the 1830s with free settlers permitted to move to the region. The 1841 New South Wales Census shows John Dillon of Port Macquarie has 3 male bonded males who are "in private assignment". We're confident that John Killion was one of these men.